Why I considered a boot camp
My coding journey began 3 months ago when I enrolled in a Treehouse tech course. I’m about a quarter of the way through their Techdegree Fullstack Javascript program and for the most part, its going very well.
About a week ago a friend of mine forwarded me a post about a free boot camp called code squad. I was instantly interested, the word “free” tends to do that for people. I went on Facebook to see what they were all about and became even more interested. Code squad’s mission is to train an under served demographic in the tech world(people of color, from inner-city). I really related to this because I fit this demographic. They are reaching out to a demographic that would other-wise have no idea the world of tech exists. Another benefit is the removal of the price barrier, this was my primary reason for not enrolling in a boot-camp in the first place. I didn't want to spend thousands of dollar to attend one, when their was a cheaper route available; the self taught route. Without having to worry about the cost I am able to focus on the benefits provided by the boot camp. The main benefit, and in my opinion the most important one,is immersion. Four days a week you’re surrounded by people with the same goal as you; becoming a web developer. I want to emphasize surrounded. The tangibility of having a person besides you who my have the same struggles as you is very helpful. Knowing you are not alone alleviates some of the negative feelings you may have when getting stuck. Having a physical instructor there to guide you is very helpful considering most of us have been in this kind of traditional learning environment.
I had the interview with the founder of the program and it went really well. It took a week to find out if I would be one of the few people accepted, and thankfully I was! I feel like this program along with my Treehouse courses will get me to my goal much faster.
Wish me luck!